My best advice for a good life no matter the circumstances


I frequently come across people who when things don’t turn out like they expected give up on everything they planned and hoped for.

Wrong. It’s exactly those times we need to see through our dreams and aspirations. Even if we can’t proceed as planned, there are other ways to get what we want. The ongoing pandemic prove how resilient and persevering we can be if we permit ourselves the possibility of finding other paths to success and fulfilment.

Don’t ever give up on what makes you fulfilled and happy. Life is transient and much too precious to not give something the chance it deserves to succeed. YOU deserve to be the best version of yourself. Everyone deserves to find a way forward even if it means we have to overcome unforeseen obstacles to get to where we want to be.

Focus on the here and now. It’s all we have and the future will prove whether we were right to pursue what is important to us. Giving up on dreams and goals that enrich our and other people’s lives mean so much. When I counsel patients who for some reason have given up on themselves due to personal situations, I always advice they take one day at the time, work through difficult issues and move forward at their own will and pace. Rushing into something no matter how eager, can be a big mistake. As with everything in life that’s unfamiliar, it pays off to take one step at the time towards a better and more fulfilling life.

The pandemic is hard to live with. But the day will come when we’ll be able to look back and learn something from it. For me, the time to come up with new ideas for storylines and characters, spending quality time with the people I care about and just Being in my own company mean a lot. Transitions are hard most of the time but when forced on us, it can be very difficult to cope and have the flexibility to change routines.

My best advice for a good life is to not plan ahead too much, live in the moment and connect with ourselves and people we normally don’t get the time and opportunity to get to know on a deeper level.

After the pandemic, we will be grateful for life and everything we took for granted and most importantly, value the here and now, and stop and smell the roses from time to time. Life is now. Live it well and to your best ability.

With much love;

Hélene xx

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay